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Exploit: McAfee ePolicy 0wner (ePowner) – Preview

by foip on June 14th, 2013

If you heard about the following vulnerabilities in McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.6.5 and earlier:

and your environments haven’t been updated yet, then you should consider watching this video…

Main Features:

  • Remote command execution on the ePo server.
  • Remote command execution on the Managed stations (one ring to rule them all).
  • File upload on the ePo server.
  • Active Directory credentials stealing.

More information:

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From → Exploits, Hacking

  1. Tim permalink

    When are you releasing the tool?
    Would be great to test it :)
    Thanks Tim

  2. Joren permalink

    When will the exploit be released?

    Just ran in to an unpatched ePo server during a pentest, I’d love to…. ;)

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